Logo: a stylised circular wave

Sequence Surfing

hero image: Ben catching a barrel at sunset

Ben Storry is a teacher and travelling surfer, ASI Level 2 Surf Instructor with a background in all things sport.

Having taught surfing in the UK and France for over 10 years whilst completing his Bachelors degree in Sport and Exercise Science at Loughborough University, Ben brings a research science based fundamental approach to his advanced surf knowledge.

In recent years, he now brings an holistic approach to surfing through certifications in personal training, Strength and Conditioning, and Yoga instructing.

background image: Ben catching a barrel

Courses Available

  • Beginner Surf Course

    A fundamental and basic approach to surfing that will not only enable you to take off smoothly but also streamline your progression moving forwards in your surfing path. This course covers the beginning stages of surfing as well as white water tricks and ways to enjoy the ocean whatever the conditions. Each step is sequenced into simple steps that allow you to improve quicker than ever before.

    Ben coaching a group of beginners on the sand


  • Intermediate Surf Course

    Now you’re already stuck with the surfing addiction, allow this course to move your progression into hyper speed as you learn the fundamentals of catching and turning on unbroken waves and crucially master the take off. Principles of bottom turns and top turns within this course will allow you to navigate whatever wave comes your way with ease.

    Ben throwing a shaka hand signal whilst coaching a group of intermediates in smaller waves


  • Personalised Surf Coaching

    Join Ben in person somewhere around the world or online, for a beginner to elite coaching to enable you to get clear progression points and areas to pinpoint future success. This is the quickest and most effective way to move your surfing forwards with video analysis and feedback as well as practices to use every time you surf and a surf film.

    Ben coaching an individual as they walk between surf breaks


  • Surf Skate Course

    Surf Skating is an undeniable way of boosting your surf performance from beginner technique to advanced maneuvers as quickly as possible. A step-by step fundamental approach, this course will enable you to practice the basic motor skills on land and easily transfer them into the water. Whether boosting airs or finding your balance this course is for you.

    Ben ripping a topturn on a surfskate


  • Tailor-made Surf Program

    Individualized combination of all the courses we offer custom built to suit you and progress your surfing to the maximum it can be. This includes weekly check-ups, feedback and access to all course modules.

    Ben ripping a foamie backwards whilst walking along it


  • Surf Strength and Conditioning program

    The best surfers are strong, agile and quick. Our cutting-edge Strength and conditioning course designed by our own Strength and Conditioning Coach and Personal Trainer will have you surfing better, faster and for longer. This course focuses on foundational movement patterns that will prevent you getting injured and allow you to enjoy your surfing by enabling your body to perform how you want it to.

    Ben performing a high level top turn


  • Surf Mobility Course

    Being flexible and strong enables you to get lower, move faster and surf for longer, especially in those cold winter months. Completing this course with our fully qualified Yoga and mobility coach will give you fundamental flexibility and strength as well as daily mobility and pre-surf activation routines.

    Ben coaching a surfer through some stretches